Monday, 23 January 2017

Target audience review- video half finished

Hey guys, so as you know we've started editing for our music video, however, we haven't finished just yet. We wanted a little bit of feedback on the work we've done so far, just to know that our target audience enjoys it- here's what two of the people we asked thought of it...

Friday, 13 January 2017

Back cover process

Hey guys, Me and Connor have completed our back cover, it was straight forward in the sense that it is exactly like our plan. However, when making the cover, we felt that two of the polaroid pictures looked like there was too much going on so we decided to stick to just the one.

Additionally, once we added our barcode in and our company logo, there wasn't enough room for another polaroid style image. We then decided to have 8 songs on our back cover, including the song that we are completing our music video too. We made sure when designing this cover that it was the correct measurements (12in by 12in) to fit the vinyl we are making.
I'll keep you updated on any other changes...

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Vinyl- centre label

Hi guys, so Me and Connor have made the centre of our vinyl and managed to create the correct measurements too, we stuck this on with PVA glue and it did the job well...

 Here is the finished vinyl, we think the gold looks great in contrast with the blue label in the centre. We decided to add the foreigner icons similar to the front cover and add the album title. We are very happy with our vinyl for the album and was very achievable to create.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Filming process-4

Hey guys, so as you know, Me and Connor had to change the location of one of our scenes. This worked out rather well as we adapted some scenes, and added scenes of the characters playing snooker in order to incorporate fun aspects. Additionally, the bowling alley which we decided to film in had an arcade, so we could still add the fun in. We're really happy with how all this came out, although the change in location has meant that our video will not perfectly match our storyboard and the idea we had in mind, we were still able to keep the fun energy we wanted in our video.