Friday, 14 October 2016

Hand drawing effect- The making

So today, we did it! It took an hour to do two clips,  which I don't thinks too bad considering we're beginners. Thought I'd share with you the two clips we did...

This is our practice piece number one. We simply used the white paint tool to create this. From the research process I found that a lot of videos highlight feature of the mis-en-scene which I think would be effectice when using the hand drawing effect. This skill is simple but effect, it can make a plain video come to life with something so simple.

The second example is my personal favourite. I started to use the white brush tool effect, Connor suggested to use different colours to make it seem more fun... straight away, from the use of a simple coloured brush stroke, added life to the clip. We will defiantly use this skill when producing our final music video, it a simple trick that adds character to the clip.

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