Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Filming process- 2

Hey guys, so Me and Connor have just finished filming our lip-syncing scene. We originally recorded on our storyboard that I would be lip-syncing facing forward, however, when we tried filming me lip syncing facing sideways- which was similar to our preliminary- we preferred this with the coloured lighting.
Here is the set up of our filming. We began filming with me sat on the chairs and alternating with the two so we could create the cloning effect in the editing process- (excuse the mess, we filmed this in my spare room). Additionally, we used a plain white blind as the backdrop which contrasted well with the coloured lights.

I already had this multi-coloured light which we plugged in an extension cable, it's very bright which worked well when filming as it showed all colours.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Website process- 1

Hey guys, so Me and Connor have started making our website for our band. We only managed to complete the home page and merchandise page, as we already previously made the merchandise.

Here is our front page which is very similar to our plan. We managed to get our GIFS onto the background, and the white, simple, font looks really effective on the sunset background. We've made the GIFS a consistent background on each page. Additionally, we managed to link the social media pages onto the icons, so when a user clicks onto the icon, it takes you directly to the bands social media page.

Here you can see our consistent background on
our merchandise page. We've added each product onto the merchandise page also with the descriptions and price. We liked that underneath the heading a line was drawn , it almost looks hand drawn which we feel is effective as during our music video we are adding a hand drawn effect.

I'll keep you guys posted on our website development...

Website GIFS

Hi everyone, so I've created the background for our website using different GIFS, Me and Connor filmed a few clips yesterday for our music video, which we have used for our website GIFS, here they are...

Monday, 28 November 2016

Disappearance effect- feedback

Hi guys, so I've just attempted the disappearance effect, and it wasn't successful, I decided to complete a PowerPoint on how I felt it went...

Disapearing to dust effect- notes

Hi guys, so I decided to watch the clip multiple times and make notes throughout the video making it easier to refer to when editing my clip, here are my notes...

Filming process- 1

Hi everybody, so we started filming today...

Firstly, we defiantly chose the correct day to film, we started filming at 3:30, so we thought we didn't have a lot of time to film, however, we was wrong. We filmed all the car scenes, and in some clips the sunset is clear to see, which looks great when adding our vintage filter.
Additionally, we found recording lots of clips at a time useful as we had a wide choice of shots to use within our music video.

However, as it's November, it was chilly. We were aware it was going to be cold, but not this cold. We were all wearing relatively thin clothing such as denim jackets as this matches the personal identity of our band and song and so we was rather cold when filming. For out next filming process we will be filming inside so we don't how to worry about this too much.

When filming, we was at an advantage as the roads weren't busy and there wasn't many people around so we didn't have to worry about getting cars or people within the shots. However, for our next filming day, we're filming in a arcade so could potentially be full of people, due to this, we must be prepared by taking forms for people to sign, giving their permission to feature within our music video.

Disapearing to dust effect- research

Hi everyone, so Me and Connor have been trying to think of ways to transition from one scene to another within our music video, we felt that using the appearance effect can look boring at times so I decided to carry out some research on how to achieve a similar effect.
I found a tutorial on how to seem like the character is disappearing to dust which I felt looked really cool. The video is easy to understand and teaches you along the way. I'll make sure to keep you updated...

Here is the clip I found;

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Vinyl idea

Hi everyone, so Me and Connor thought about doing something for our album that's out of the box.
We felt that we wanted to be original for our album so wanted to attempt doing a vinyl album instead of a CD.

This is one of The Last Shadow Puppets vinyl's. TLSP have had a great impact on our research for our music video as well as Two Door Cinema Club. So make sure to keep checking out my blog for more information on these vinyl's.

According to; an LP record is usually 12 or 10 inch (30 or 25 cm) diameter. This size gives us an outline of how big our front cover will have to be. I feel that Me and Connor should continue using our album cover design but make it much bigger for the purpose of the vinyl idea we've come up with.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Mis-en-scene: Costume

Hey guys, so I decided to put together this poster in order to give you an idea of the costume the main character will be wearing, and give you an idea of what the other characters will be wearing. We wanted to keep a consistent vintage theme like I previously mentioned in the mood board.

Mis-en-scene by Annabel

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Display design for social media- improved

Hi everyone, so when I made the Facebook page for our band, I tried to add our display picture that we originally made, however, the design we made didn't fit properly in the display box, we felt that compared to other band social media pages, ours didn't seem very professional. However, once we finally finished our front cover for our album, we felt this would look great for the display picture as it not only tells viewers who we are but advertises our album.

Our new display picture for Facebook.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Mood Board

Hi everyone, I've created a mood board just so you guys can get a feel for the kind of look we're going for.

We want to create a retro look for our music video. We aim to do this through using vintage filters, by overlaying the clips with blue, pink and green undertones. Additionally, we want to show this through the use of polaroid style pictures, by making the frames of our music video look like a polaroid picture has 'come to life', we aim to show this retro look through our costumes, by wearing denim jackets.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Why we chose anarchy

Me again! I felt that I needed to complete a post on why we decided to call the album anarchy, as it's a random word to choose, it's simple, but I feel the word itself is effective. Here's why Me and Connor chose to call our album anarchy...

I used video scribe to make this video.

Album analysis

Hi guys, so I've completed an album analysis on The Vaccines- What did you expect from The Vaccines, I didn't do this analysis on the front cover or back, I decided to do it on the booklet you receive when you purchase an album. Enjoy...

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Album cover ammendments

Hi everyone, so Me and Connor recently received some feedback from our peers about our album cover. One media student suggested that we alter our album title, by making it in the centre of our album cover as it seemed to wash away when positioned at the side. Additionally, our peers mentioned that they felt the bands name seemed rather squished in, so we decided to make this bigger and position this fully across the top of the album cover so it seemed less squished together.

Here is our amended album cover...

Friday, 18 November 2016

Album Cover

So, we've done it, the album cover is complete, it's simple, yet effective. Another media student came up with the idea for the album name which is Anarchy, hope you like it...

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Album cover process- 3

Hi guys, so here is our third idea, Me and Connor felt that this would be a great idea for a front cover, with one of the foreigners cut out, we attempted this using Adobe Photoshop.

I like this idea and it makes the one foreigner stand out. However, Me and Connor felt that this contrasted with the clouds too much, and it looked too much on the eye. We felt that our album cover number 1 is the cover for us as it's not too much on the eye, we wanted the album cover to be simple yet effective.

Cloning effect- Evaluation

Hiya, so I thought I'd give a small evaluation on the cloning effect and my experience.
I really do think it looks much harder than it is, I used Premier Pro to create this cloning effect. This programme is not something I'm familiar with, as I feel the programme looks overwhelming, however, making this cloning effect, did not take me long, The overall process took me about 45 minutes/ one hour, which isn't what I'd expect as it looks so technical.

This effect however is all about concentration. When I did this, I noticed I couldn't move the tripod as I needed a stable, consistent shot, so the two clips would match up when it came to the after effects, Dan did mention to me that no matter how hard you try, the lighting may always be off, either it be the sun or  a artificial light, the lighting will always change even if its minutes apart, this is something Me and Connor must take into consideration as when we use the cloning effect, it will be outdoors, and as we will film at night time, the lighting is always unpredictable, so we need to focus on the lighting, or when we come to edit this, it will be obvious that the two clips are different.

Overall I feel that this effect is very achievable and looks fantastic, without being too time consuming, but be sure to be careful when filming as, if something is slightly off, it will come through when editing.

Cloning effect-practice

Ahhh, so guys, I finally had a go, I will be honest, it took me less than an hour, obviously in the real thing, it may be harder as the clip will be much longer. I asked a year 12 media student, Jaden, to act in this for me, and he did a great job. Hope you enjoy...

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Album cover process- 2

So Connor thought that the album cover needed something else as it seemed rather simple, so he came up with the idea of keeping a consistent mirrored view, and mirroring the top layer of the album photo with the foreigner upside down. Here's what we came up with.

Although we liked the flip view, we felt it took away the foreigner image and you couldn't really tell what it was. We then decided that we should stick to the original image as the mirrored idea took away the main piece of the album cover.

Cloning effect- Notes

So guys, I've mentioned a few times that Me and Connor want to create the cloning effect within our music video, so before we went straight into it, we wanted to have a practice at this. I've researched a lot into this effect, and couldn't find a helpful video, however, two media students (Dan and Alex) recently used the cloning effect within their preliminary (I'll link this down below), so I decided to ask their advice. Dan recently showed me what steps to take in a simplified form, and it doesn't seem as hard as it looks. Here are the notes I made whilst Dan taught me the steps, beware, they are in note form, so I apologise if you struggle to read these.

Here is Dan and Alex's preliminary where they used the cloning effect.

Filming Schedule

Hey guys, so we've designed a filming schedule of the days where everyone who is part of our music video is free, luckily, Nick and Will (who will be in the music video) are very flexible so fits in well with everyone's availability.

Facebook page

Hiya, so Me and Connor have designed our Facebook page for our band, we used our album cover as the profile picture. I'm not exactly happy with the cover picture, however, once we start filming at our locations, we will have more options for the cover picture, I'll link our Facebook page down below...

Facebook page- click here

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Display design for social media

So guys, we've designed a display logo for our band that will be displayed as a profile picture for social media sites such as twitter and Facebook. We want this to be easily recognised for our viewers, so we aimed to use a similar colour scheme of yellow and grey/black throughout our designs...

Album cover process- 1

Hi guys, so we've started our album cover designs, I really like this idea, as it's simple and looks so good. We've added four character or 'foreigner' designs that feature throughout our designs, but I used serif draw plus to outline this icon. I then got a picture of the sky, cropped it, copy and pasted this, then mirrored it, so the sky looks mirrored. Although I mentioned we want to keep a consistent colour scheme of yellow and grey/black, this album features blue's and white, however, our band colours are yellow and grey/black, these colours feature on our merchandise and websites.

Monday, 14 November 2016


Hi everyone, so Me and Connor have finished our storyboard, here it is...

The drawings aren't very good at all, however, we wanted to give you a rough idea of what shot will go at what point of the song- be sure to check out the shot list to give you more of an idea of the shots we will use.

Key= LS- Long shot CU- Close up MS- Mid-shot


Hi guys, so I've decided to write up all the different shots in order to make the story board easier to make, and give us an idea of what shot to do each time, here's what we've come up with...

In a car- Character putting in earphones; close up of them closing their eyes
Extreme Close up of eyes opening

Long shot of character sat on a car seat with earphones in, in the middle of the woods

Tracking shot, of character trying to find a way out of the woodland area

Comes across themselves and friends messing around the woods

Mid shot of the character trying to get the friends’ attention; realising no-one can see them

Long shot- clicking ending up in matlock bath

Point of view shot of friends walking

Close up- character looking confused

Long shot- Character following friends into the arcade

High shot- friends playing on 2p machine

Close up- friends looking happy

Close up- character crying

Long shot- friends going into photobooth whilst character leans on the booth

Long shot- friends coming out of photobooth whilst character leans on the booth

Mid shot- lip syncing

Long shot- character clicking fingers// ends up at ashover rock

Long shot- character watching friends have fun

Mid shot- lip syncing

Mid shot- clicking fingers ending up in cellar

Mid shot- Character in cellar (music stops) looking confused

Mid shot- clicks fingers

Mid shot- character watching themselves do homework

Long shot- Character watches friends walk by

Montage of memories

Mid shot- lip syncing

Long shot- Character going mad in the woods

Mid shot- lip syncing

Extreme close up- character opens eyes

Mid shot- character takes earphones out to find it was all a dream

Sunday, 13 November 2016


Me again... So, we've recently designed four different t-shirts that will go on our website once it's finished, on the merchandise tab.

I liked how simple this is and the use of yellow really makes the t-shirt stand out.
I decided to make parts of the band name in capitals just to add something different
to the t-shirt to make it seem more edgy.

We decided to make this icon more of a symbol of our band as it
represents the 'foreigner'. I really like this icon on the T-shirts as people could
wear it even if their not fans of the music.

We aimed for this t-shirt to be simple, with a paisley pattern on
the pocket ,with the letters 'APF' standing for
Ancient Pyramids and the Foreigner, we decided to give a shortened down
version simply for the marketing point of view, as the band Last shadow puppets
did a similar thing by shorting their name down to 'TLSP' which
works well on their merchandise.

This is very similar to the other t-shirt, however, this t-shirt
would be plain on the front and the icon on the back. When researching
other band t-shirts, hardly any had this kind of design on the merchandise, so we
felt this was a original design to have.  

I used Serif Draw to Photoshop and edit these t-shirts.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Band Name

Hi guys, so Me and Connor have finally come up with our name for the band. We wanted a long band name as we liked the length of the name 'Two door cinema club' and it fits well as our music video is a song by Two Door Cinema Club. Drum roll pleaseeee........

Ancient Pyramids And The Foreigner!!!

I really like the name of this as its something completely different. We decided to call it this as the group within the video will be 3 boys and 1 girl, so the ancient pyramids symbolise the boys and the 'foreigner' symbolises the girl. Hope you like it!!


Hey everyone, so I've recently created this Slideshow on locations for our music video.

Locations - Kizoa Movie Maker - Video Editor

First slide- One of the locations Me and Connor came up with is Ashover Rock, as we want to keep a consistent woodland theme and we thought the views would be perfect filming.

Second slide- We also came up with the idea of filming at the Matlock Bath amusements as we wanted to keep the video being fun.

Third slide- Me and Connor thought It'd add comedy to our music video if we added a dark, gloomy, cellar. We thought as our character would keep appearing in places, that may be they appear in this setting. Once they appear here, we thought it may be effective to have the music stop, until they're back in a happier place that will match the tempo of the music.

Fourth slide- We thought Wooley Moor woodland area would be a good place to open our video with our character/s first appearing there.

Fifth slide- Additionally, Me and Connor liked the idea of a outdoor theme, we thought Matlock bath would be a great idea, with the character following round their friends around the town.

Two door cinema club- website analysis

Hi guys, so I recently mentioned in Mine and Connors website outline that we aim for our website to carry some similar qualities as Two door cinema clubs website. I thought I'd complete a short website analysis on some of the pages we've taken inspiration from.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Making a GIF

Hi everyone, so I made two GIFS, however, I didn't make these GIFS using, instead I used, as didn't work as well as I hoped.

Here are one of the GIFS...
I used ,, this clip in order to make it a GIF. The website allows users to decide on the duration of the GIF, users can also use a clip of there choice, either through pictures or youtube clips.

Website outline

Hey everyone, so Me and Connor have recently designed the outline for our website, this is just a rough outline of the positioning of where we want our drop down menu to go and the position of our bands name. We've taken inspiration from Two Door Cinema Clubs website too, with the use of GIFS in the background, instead of a simple background such as a still picture.

We used Serif draw plus to create the outline

Here is what viewers will first see when clicking on our website (remember its just a outline).
Viewers will have to click on the menu tab for the drop down to happen and they can then
choose what they want too look at. I like the simplistic idea of this outline as it will
draw attention to the GIF we plan to have.

This is what viewers will see when they click the menu tab. They will have a choice
of four tabs, either news, music, video or store, I think for our actual website, we may
add a tab for gallery too.
Additionally, we will link the social media pages we create for our band onto the social media logo's such as Facebook, so viewers can be directly shown to our social media pages.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

How to make a GIF

Hey everyone, so I've recently mentioned that Me and Connor wanted to create a GIF for our website background. I've been doing some research into these, and they're actually really simple to make.

I found this YouTube clip very useful as it gave me a tutorial on how to use a site which this clip suggested, I then went on to look into the website. This website, allows people to make GIFS from pictures, videos, and youtube clips. It seems really simple, and quick to use, so make sure you keep tuned on my blog to see my attempt at a GIF.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Kings of Leon- website analysis

Hey everyone, so I've recently completed a website analysis on the band Kings Of Leon's website. However, I really like Two Door Cinema Club's website too, so I thought I'd link that as well as Kings Of Leon so you can check that out... Enjoy

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Beyonce- Hold Up textual analysis

Hey guys, so I've just completed a textual analysis on Beyoncé's song called Hold up. Enjoy...

Friday, 4 November 2016

Stuart Hall's reception theory

This theory is related to 'users and gratification theory' and builds upon the ideas of the media sending messages sending messages to the audience. Stuart Hall said that producers encode their media texts with a meaning. The audience then decodes this message.
In Mine and Connors video we want to encode out video with the preferred meaning  of 'looking after what you've got before its gone'. However, some viewers may reject this preferred message and take this as something else, viewers may decode this as teenagers are superficial rather than the actual message we want to deliver which is to look after what you've got until it's gone. This will be through fun/atics, so the audience will have to be active when trying to discover the hidden meaning.

Audience profiles

 Will- 18

Genre tastes; Alternative, indie, rock

Bands/artists; Tame Impala, Wolf Alice, Two door cinema club

3 Favourite music videos; Comeback Home- Two door cinema club, Freezy- Wolf alice, Don't stop- Foster the people
 Abby- 17

Genre tastes; Grime, alternative, indie

Band/artists; Tame Impala, Magic gang, Jaws, JME, Rihanna

3 favourite music videos; The less I know the better- tame impala, Everlong- Foo fighters, Ready for the floor- Hot Chip

James- 18

Genre tastes; Grime, acoustic, Dance/hip hop

Bands/artists; Ed sheeran, Stormzy, Take That

3 favourite music videos- Somebody that I used to know- Gotye, Shut up- Stormzy, Greatest day- take that

Me and Connor carried out primary research to gather data about our target audience music consumption. Most of the people we asked had similar music tastes suggesting a lot of people of the target audience have similar genre preferences. Above are just 3 examples of the research we carried out to give you and idea of the type of things people like. For our music video, we want the audience to have a personal identity with the visuals and a diversion from their everyday activities, we want to audience to be active and be mindful about what is going on.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Logo feedback

Hi everybody, so we recently received feedback from 10 individuals from our target audience, about our logo designs.

8 out of the 10 people we asked said they preferred this logo as it seemed more professional. One individual said 'they like how the wings blended in with the rest of the logo'. Me and Connor have decided that we will use this for our final production logo as most people who we asked liked this one more than our second logo design.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016


Hey guys, so we've recently designed a two logos for our company. We're not too sure which one to use at the moment so over the course of the next few weeks, we will ask a few people who match our target audience which one they prefer. These designs were inspired by Tame Impala's album covers which I will link down below.

I really like this design as it keeps a consistent colour scheme throughout (yellow 
and grey) which I really liked. I thought it was very simple, as we don't want it
to be over the top, as its just the production name.  

I really liked the bright colours, I feel they contrasted nicely with the outlines of the two heads and the white writing of the 'Conabel Productions', it also caught the audiences eye which they then look straight at the two heads. - Tame Impala album cover research