Hi guys, so I've decided to write up all the different shots in order to make the story board easier to make, and give us an idea of what shot to do each time, here's what we've come up with...
In a car- Character putting in earphones; close up of them
closing their eyes
Extreme Close up of eyes opening
Long shot of character sat on a car seat with earphones in,
in the middle of the woods
Tracking shot, of character trying to find a way out of the woodland
Comes across themselves and friends messing around the woods
Mid shot of the character trying to get the friends’
attention; realising no-one can see them
Long shot- clicking ending up in matlock bath
Point of view shot of friends walking
Close up- character looking confused
Long shot- Character following friends into the arcade
High shot- friends playing on 2p machine
Close up- friends looking happy
Close up- character crying
Long shot- friends going into photobooth whilst character leans on the booth
Long shot- friends coming out of photobooth whilst character leans on the booth
Mid shot- lip syncing
Long shot- character clicking fingers// ends up at ashover rock
Long shot- character watching friends have fun
Mid shot- lip syncing
Mid shot- clicking fingers ending up in cellar
Mid shot- Character in cellar (music stops) looking confused
Mid shot- clicks fingers
Mid shot- character watching themselves do homework
Long shot- Character watches friends walk by
Montage of memories
Mid shot- lip syncing
Long shot- Character going mad in the woods
Mid shot- lip syncing
Extreme close up- character opens eyes
Mid shot- character takes earphones out to find it was all a dream