Saturday, 12 November 2016


Hey everyone, so I've recently created this Slideshow on locations for our music video.

Locations - Kizoa Movie Maker - Video Editor

First slide- One of the locations Me and Connor came up with is Ashover Rock, as we want to keep a consistent woodland theme and we thought the views would be perfect filming.

Second slide- We also came up with the idea of filming at the Matlock Bath amusements as we wanted to keep the video being fun.

Third slide- Me and Connor thought It'd add comedy to our music video if we added a dark, gloomy, cellar. We thought as our character would keep appearing in places, that may be they appear in this setting. Once they appear here, we thought it may be effective to have the music stop, until they're back in a happier place that will match the tempo of the music.

Fourth slide- We thought Wooley Moor woodland area would be a good place to open our video with our character/s first appearing there.

Fifth slide- Additionally, Me and Connor liked the idea of a outdoor theme, we thought Matlock bath would be a great idea, with the character following round their friends around the town.

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