Thursday, 17 November 2016

Cloning effect- Evaluation

Hiya, so I thought I'd give a small evaluation on the cloning effect and my experience.
I really do think it looks much harder than it is, I used Premier Pro to create this cloning effect. This programme is not something I'm familiar with, as I feel the programme looks overwhelming, however, making this cloning effect, did not take me long, The overall process took me about 45 minutes/ one hour, which isn't what I'd expect as it looks so technical.

This effect however is all about concentration. When I did this, I noticed I couldn't move the tripod as I needed a stable, consistent shot, so the two clips would match up when it came to the after effects, Dan did mention to me that no matter how hard you try, the lighting may always be off, either it be the sun or  a artificial light, the lighting will always change even if its minutes apart, this is something Me and Connor must take into consideration as when we use the cloning effect, it will be outdoors, and as we will film at night time, the lighting is always unpredictable, so we need to focus on the lighting, or when we come to edit this, it will be obvious that the two clips are different.

Overall I feel that this effect is very achievable and looks fantastic, without being too time consuming, but be sure to be careful when filming as, if something is slightly off, it will come through when editing.

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